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sensitiv imago is what and why sensitiv imago?

What is sensitiv imago?

sensitiv imago

sensitiv imago

What is The Life Stream software for the devices Sensitiv Imago-A new program Life Stream, which became the result of multi-year work of the Alfa-Med holding, has been launched in 2012. Dozens of scientists, doctors, highly proficient Russian and foreign specialists in cooperation with scientific research institutes and laboratories have been working over the program.

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sensitiv imago 530
sensitiv imago 530 price
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Considering the experience of the previous programs development and creation, there were imposed more strict requirements on the Life Stream program. It is developed for new, more powerful models of the devices according to the highest European standards and is written in the modern programming language.

The Life Stream software - Sensitiv Imago

In terms of protection, readout and data processing algorithm Life Stream is almost unachievable for competitors in the coming years. In terms of requests rate to the unit investigated, the number of spectrograms and data processing rate Life Stream significantly outperforms the previous programs.

All in all it is just a basic program! Its further development (upgrading) resources are really enormous. Potential capacity of the program allows to update it, expand its database, increase the number of spectrograms, introduce new options, add functions and features.

In spite of its novelty, the Life stream program has already gained its followers in Russia and abroad. Increased agiotage over a new program is quite understandable. Designed to supplant older software, it has reached the highest level of quality and testability.

Program options and functions were significantly increased. Emphasis is placed on more accurate and detailed health testing. Vegeto-tests function has been preserved, but the base of medicinal products for inner vegeto-test has been significantly expanded.

In addition to already familiar diagnoses establishing options (standardly similar to processes" diagnoses) and pathogenic microflora detecting, absolutely new options have appeared. For example, energo-informational burdening, harmful E numbers food additives, contaminants and so on. The function of spectronosodes preparation has been enlarged.
Life Stream program capabilities:

sensitiv imago

sensitiv imago

Express-evaluation of health state.
Detection of the most weakened systems and organs.
Establishing a provisional diagnoses (standardly similar to processes" diagnoses).
Detection of pathogenic microflora, the degree of its activity and localization zone.
Inapparent microflora detection.
Selection and testing of medicinal products (vegeto-test).
Recommendations for health recovery (selective complexes).
Detection of allergens.
Unstable laboratory results (their qualitative evaluation).
Therapeutic opportunities (frequency compensation, bioresonance therapy).
Informational products preparing (spectronosodes).
Detection of the degree of harmful energo-informational effect on the organism.
Evaluation of contaminants, i.e. the degree of accumulation in the organism of:
nitrates and nitrites
heavy metals
The degree of accumulation of harmful E numbers (food additives).
Detection of genetic burden of diseases.
The function of biorhythms calculation according to 4 parameters: physical, mental, emotional and the combined one.
An opportunity to compare health state before and after the reinstating course.

Updates of LifeStream software

Such wide range of operations and functions of the Life Stream program makes possible its use in different areas of healthcare industry. Special recognition the program finds in health and beauty centres, sports and recreation centres, sanatoriums and preventoriums.

What is Sensitiv Imago 535

Description of the device for health screening

Machine Sensitive Imago® 535 is assembled meeting new quality management systemISO 9001 full adopted in 2013. The device has passed all required run-tests in countries of the EU. Medical factories management, manufacturing and scientific research works have been certified according to ISO 13485. The given model makes a logical extension of business class devices.

Machine Sensitive Imago 535 is equivalent to European device 530. Their functionality is the same. The only distinctive feature consists in different requirements to device assembly. Engineering requirements for health testing devices in the USA fully correspond to those in the EU. With respect to the FDA norms, constituent elements of a device are under more strict control policy. Requirements to magnetic safety in the USA are different.

Current model for computer diagnostics is equipped with peripheral devices of the latest generation enabling to obtain maximally accurate and detailed information on the health state of an inspected. The devices is powered from 110 V electric network. Communication with the program is performed via drivers and interface USB type.

sensitiv imago

sensitiv imago

What is Sensitiv Imago 530

Senstiv Imago 530 device is being assembled according to the new European quality management standards 9001full accepted in EU in 2013. The device passed the medical laboratory testing class 2, according to the European Directive. The Direction of the medical factory, manufacturing department and the scientific researches passed the complete European certification according to Directive 13485. This model is a logic continuation of the business-class devices.

This models takes algorithm of Sensitiv Imago 500 as a basis. Sensitiv Imago 530 is more advanced both technically and technologically. The newest achievements of our engineers and scientists were used at creation of that device.

The model of computer organism diagnostic is equipped with the peripheral devices of the new generation that allow to receive the most precise and detailed information about the examinee's health conditions. Device is supplied with the specific power supply unit with the protection system. Device can be connected to the PC via USB interface and drivers. About the method.

To provide the computer health diagnostic the headphones with the built-in SBA sensors (similar to the Sensitiv Imago 500 model) are being put on the head of the examinee. Headphones casing contains sound emitters, infrared radiation receiver, electromagnetic induction sensor and non less then 500 SBA sensors.

The standard (default) supply of the device contains the two-modal QOM sensor of the 500 series with the manual amplification of the IR signals. This sensor is used to make the information about the hereditary health level* more precise. Device is equipped with the system of external sensors of the new generation.

The interface unit contains SBA-sensors, “floating” generator, digital and analog filters, automatic adjustment and calibration and magnetic-optic chamber. Passport data of the diagnostic device Sensitiv Imago 500. Usage conditions for Sensitiv Imago 500 computer diagnostic.

Sensitiv Imago 530 computer diagnostic of the organism is operated by the LifeStream software. We recommend to update the software regularly and in time.

* This test is not a genetic DNA analysis to determine the hereditary diseases but just allows to determine which systems and organs will be affected by the hereditary factors.

sensitiv imago

sensitiv imago

Who and Where Need the Sensitiv Imago?

Sensitiv Imago is for everyone

Anyone and everyone who is interested in taking control of their health can use the Sensitiv Imago system. Anyone who needs therapeutic recovery from a health imbalance and a preventative method to monitor health-using frequencies can use the Sensitiv Imago system. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing the best quality training at an affordable price in order to make you an expert on our system as well as an expert of your health. Personal training online is free and ongoing. By appointment, you can set as many sessions with one of our trainers and continue your Sensitiv Imago education. Everyone is invited to try the Sensitiv Imago biofeedback system.

Family Doctors

Family doctors have a unique opportunity to use the Sensitiv Imago Biofeedback system in their practice because they already have a client base and level of trust built with patients. The Sensitiv Imago system is non-invasive and very straight forward tool. If at any time a patient comes in with a difficult health symptom a doctor can use the Sensitiv Imago system to identify where frequency imbalances are and determine how to bring them back to balance in order to help the patient recover.

Clinics and Medical Facilities

The Sensitiv Imago biofeedback system helps in the clinical reception. This method not only helps you save time but you can also lower the costs of the analysis process. The Sensitiv Imago system may facilitate a diagnosis without having to send your patients to the specialists. The Sensitiv Imago system will let you examine all the issues a patient may have and can provide you with a treatment and healing method. Sensitiv Imago is very detailed and will provide the information necessary to address the patients’ unique health concerns without invasive procedures and expensive testing.

Education Facilities and Employers

A health scan once a month can be a huge step in preventative health and a heads up for any possible future issue. Knowing what imbalances are present in the body can lead to options in therapeutic methods to avoid serious illness in the future. Offering health scans to employees and students will limit the amount of health costs in the future and insure the health of your students and employees.

Sports, Recreation Centers and Fitness Facility

While performing serious exercises one must have continuous monitoring of their health. Offering health scans as part of an exercise regime will benefit the athlete as well as the facility by avoiding long term health problems due to over indulgence of specific foods or over strain of exercise. The Sensitiv Imago system offers options for food recommendations and a test of vitamin levels in the body to make sure all is normal.

Family and Friends

Sensitiv Imago biofeedback device helps you monitor the health of your friends and family. You can easily scan family members and look into imbalances, monitor and provide therapy to balance them out. Saving the family thousands in medical bills and avoiding terminal illness by catching it in advance and naturally healing the process.

Cosmetics and Spa Salons

Those interested in better health and youthful appearance must first learn about the internal condition of their organs, tissues and cells. Looking great and feeling great is important, but it is also important to be healthy from the inside out in order to live a long and healthy life to enjoy these luxuries. Sensitiv Imago Biofeedback offers health scans on skin tissue, blood cells and other areas related to good looks. Few of our clients are Spa owners so if you are interested in learning about their experience please email us.

sensitiv imago

sensitiv imago

sensitiv imago


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